Aquaponics & Managing the Nitrogen (N2) Cycle

Your in-school Symbiotic Aquaponic system is a fully functional engineered agri-business model for growing fruits, vegetables, flower and raising fish.  The plants you chose can be a healthy nutrient source, while fish provide protein and Omega-3 for brain health and muscles.  The two distinct ecosystems work together, symbiotically, to create an innovative closed-loop system that grows plants with 5-10% of the water needed for conventional crop yields!  This model provides zero waste and functions year-round, wherever you put it.  Hunger doesn’t take a winter break.  It is a 2,000 year old process used by the Egyptians and Aztek’s of modern day Mexico City.  Please use the following system to manage your system.  Contact us if you have any questions or issues.  Grow good, and live long!